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As a ceramic artist and a painter, I use my clay forms as a 3 - dimensional canvas for all the stories which come to me from ancient cultures. The inspiration for the work comes from a time when men and animal spirits lived in harmony with nature. We have grown so far away from ourselves, and so have our surroundings - I hope that some of my work will remind us that once there was an Eden, and that Paradise can be restored for ourselves and for all of humankind. I am touched by Noah's Ark motive, where all pairs were rescued from the flood engulfing the earth - are we, us, right now - still able to build such a ship encompassing men and nature?

Working with the clay I go through many processes of throwing and hand building, underglazes, sgraffito, painting, all working on the soft clay till the final, mainly one fire produced final product. In painting, I follow up on all the drawings that move my hands as soon as I hold a pencil and a piece of paper. My style, use of color and designs are recognized across the country and my pieces are in many collections. The work is slow, painstakingly so. It is intense, working on the clay or on the canvas. I am so grateful - being able to create is such an extraordinary gift.

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The inspiration for my work comes from many ancient cultures, from a time where men and animal spirits lived in harmony with nature. We have grown so far away from ourselves, from our natural surroundings - my drawings want to remind us that once there was an Eden and that Paradise can be restored for ourselves and for all of humankind.

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